Health, Education, Environment
Meet our Clients

Re-commerce Platform

The Little Loop is fixing the broken textiles industry, a major polluter, by allowing parents in the United Kingdom to rent their kid's clothes in a way that is fun, affordable and guilt-free.

Arility Child-safety app

Arility is tackling preventable deaths in children by delivering award-winning safety-education content using Augmented Reality. Thanks to a network of public institutions in Australia and the UK, Arility is free to public schools in Australia, UK and most other countries.

Find out more about Arility in this short video:


iGROW Peer Support

For over 60 years, GROW has been helping thousands of Australians with their recovery from mental ill-health through a unique program of mutual support and personal development. As a community-based organisation GROW recently underwent a digital transformation in order to better serve the needs of their Growers.

The iGROW app is their latest offering which augments in-person meetings by allowing members to track their recovery and stay connected to the program between meetings.
